Mike Pence Just Showed He’s Been A McCarthy Supporter The Whole Time

(FreedomBeacon.com)- Former Vice President Mike Pence recently demonstrated that he was a supporter of Kevin McCarthy for the last few months, crediting the new speaker of the House with taking giving control in the lower chamber back to Republicans, according to The Gateway Pundit.

In a tweet, Pence urged Republicans in the House to support his “friend, Kevin McCarthy as the next Speaker of the House,” attributing McCarthy’s vision of the future as the reason Republicans won the House during the 2022 midterms. He also said that he was confident McCarthy would “lead the House to begin a Great American Comeback.”

McCarthy also found support in the former president who some Republicans credit with closing a deal with conservatives voting against him. Trump took to his social media platform Truth Social to urge Republicans to finally send Nancy Pelosi back home to a “very broken California.”

Trump reportedly called opposing McCarthy a “dangerous game.”

“Let’s get this thing over with,” Trump told Fox News Digital. “The problem is, there is a big downside to this game that is being played.”

McCarthy failed to garner the majority vote 14 times. The third failure to elect a speaker marked the first time since 1923 that the House failed to vote for a speaker in the first round.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, who led the effort against McCarthy, reportedly called Trump’s endorsement “sad.” He said that the endorsement changes nothing. Gaetz led 19 other conservatives to solidify their support behind Rep. Jim Jordan. Jordan, however, declined to take up the mantle.

McCarthy credited Trump with closing the deal and acknowledged that his influence in the party is not gone.

“He was all in. He would call me and he would call others,” McCarthy said, noting that Trump wanted to focus on the issues hurting this country like the economy and weak border.