Third Priest Abducted by Armed Gunmen in Nigeria This Month

Armed assailants kidnapped Christian preacher Father Mikah Suleiman over the weekend in northwest Nigeria, making it the third such incident in the previous month.

There has been a surge in anti-Christian violence in Nigeria in the past few weeks, with several kidnappings and execution-style killings committed mainly through extreme Islamists.

In central Nigeria’s Plateau state, Muslim Fulani invaders killed a pastor, his wife, and three other Christians around midnight on June 2.

Muslim militants of the Islamic State beheaded three Christians the next day.

Father Ukeh was abducted from his rectory in Kaduna State, northwest Nigeria, on Sunday, June 9. This area has been severely affected by violence against Christians.

St. Matthew’s Church in southern Nigeria saw its priest, Father Christian Ike, kidnapped on June 16 during a liturgy at the parish’s outstation.

On June 22, terrorists kidnapped Father Suleiman, a parish priest in Zamfara State, from his rectory.

As anti-Christian attacks continue, human rights groups have voiced their disapproval of the Nigerian government’s and international leaders’ lack of response.

According to Kyle Abts, executive director of the International Committee on Nigeria, President Tinubu claims that he is taking the battle against terrorists. However, he has failed to take any action to prevent the kidnappings and killings that frequently take place on federal highways and property.

According to Father Moses Lorapu, the communications director for the Diocese of Makurd, Islamic persecution is slowly becoming normalized, and gradually, Islamic terrorists are eliminating Christians.

Dede Laugesen, the head of Save the Persecuted Christians, says the silent genocide of Christians in Nigeria is going on behind closed doors with the help of  U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

In his book, The Coming Christian Persecution, Thomas D. Williams explains why Christians should be on guard and what they can do to be ready for the persecution they will face.