Governor Says He’s Not “Woke” After Allegations

( New Jersey Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy set his sights on Republicans after they suggested that blue states are “woke,” according to Newsmax. The governor reportedly called for responsible government and bipartisanship in his fifth annual state of the state address.

The address came before a joint session of the Democrat-led Legislature, which is facing an election year. In his speech, Murphy alluded to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and peddled against the “woke” narrative by feigning ignorance of its meaning.

“Some governors boast that their state is where ‘woke goes to die.’ I’m not sure I know what that’s supposed to mean,” Murphy said, before adding that the “American Dream” is alive in his state. He boasted a 3.4% unemployment rate, which is lower than the federal average, a growing film production, a tax credit industry, and many infrastructure projects. He also said that it was “cool to be from New Jersey again.”

Responding to a question over whether or not he will run for president in 2024, Murphy said that he will back Joe Biden if he decides to run again, which left many speculating that Murphy might throw his hat in the race if that does not happen. Murphy also took aim at the differences between New Jersey and Florida, claiming that the third quarter of 2022 economic output outpaced the sunshine state’s performance.

He blamed tax breaks for the “wealthiest and most powerful” and divesting from public education and civic programs” to be the problem in GOP-led states.

Murphy did attempt to strike a different tone than his last state of the state address where he declared that he was “boldly progressive.” This time around, the governor called for “reasonable, responsible government.” The shift in tone comes during an election year and after Murphy faced a tight election race in 2021.