While dogs are often lauded as one of the dumbest pets a person can have, they do occasionally do amazing things – and we’re not talking about highly-trained sheep dogs or guard dogs. Cuddles, a Chihuahua from Denver, Colorado, is one example of how a seemingly normal family pet can save lives and do amazing things.
Reports recently revealed how Cuddles alerted his family in the middle of the night to a fire that had broken out inside their property. Earlier this month, at 1:30am on August 14, West Metro firefighters were called to put out a fire in Morrison, Colorado.
Upon their arrival, firefighters learned that all residents of the home were sleeping when their dog woke them up, allowing them to escape and call the authorities.
Video footage shared online showed how firefighters were able to put out the fire, but not before it completely tore through the home and destroyed everything inside.
“Ward Way fire-the residents were sleeping at the time of the fire, their dog woke them up. They were able to get out, however the dog is missing. The fire started on the back porch, and made its way inside the structure,” an update from WestMetroFire shared on X revealed.
According to a follow-up statement, the fire ripped through the floor of the family room and caused extensive damage to both the first and second floors of the home.
“There was also some heat exposure to the neighboring house, which melted a portion of the vinyl siding.”
The cause of the fire remains unknown – and while the dog’s bravery was amazing, the story doesn’t end here.
What Happened to the Dog?
But soon after Cuddles alerted the neighbors, he went missing. Reports published on the day of the fire revealed how despite hours of searching, rescue crew workers and neighbors couldn’t find Cuddles.
Neighbors attempted to coach the dog back to the home, leaving out a dog bed and food just in case he came back.
Reports in recent days, however, have revealed how Cuddles was sadly discovered dead inside of the home after three days of searching.
If our readers feel so inclined, the family who lost their home have set up a GoFundMe campaign page, which can be found here.