Archaeologists Discover 3,600 Year Old Weapons in Czech Republic

Archeologists discovered a large collection of artifacts in the Czech Republic dating back to at least 3,600 years ago.

Archeological researchers surveyed and excavated in Budyně nad Ohří, a town about 40 miles away from the city of Prague, and found a range of items, from jewelry to weapons dating from the Bronze Age. The items date from 3300 BC to 1200 BC, a period during which tool-making began to shift in Europe from stone to bronze, an alloy created from the combination of tin and copper.

The discoveries were made last year, according to a report from Prague Morning published on Thursday, August 1. Researchers uncovered two pins, eight arm bracelets, a spearhead, and eight axes.

University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně professor Martin Trefný is the curator of the find and works at the Museum of the Říp Region. He spoke to reporters about the discovery and explained what the objects were used for. The axes would have either been weapons or tools for chopping, while the spearhead was most likely strictly a weapon. The bracelets were ornamental and would have been worms on the forearms. The pins were used either to style hair for women or to fasten clothes.

The researchers believe the items were buried deliberately and have multiple theories as to why they believe that to be the case. Trefný said the first possibility is that the items had “a votive function” and were offerings to specific deities. The second explanation could be that they were stored there by manufacturers. The third alternative is that “a crisis situation” occurred that necessitated burying the items, perhaps from enemies, after which they were never recovered.

Trefný said the discovery will contribute to understanding Bronze Age “warfare, craft techniques,” and the “fashion of the time.” He added that the items could also shed light on the contemporary religion of the time because of their possible “ritual significance.” The Podřipské Museum is planning to display the items in an exhibit about the discovery.

Another significant Late Bronze Age discovery was made in Turkey in 2023 according to a recent announcement by the Turkish Minister of Culture. That finding, a clay tablet used as an ancient shopping list, happened amidst reconstruction following the devastating earthquake in Feb. 2023 that devastated the region and killed almost 50,000 people.