After Years of Pro-Life Support, Salvation Army Reveals Shifting Views

The Salvation Army’s abortion policy sparks outrage among pro-life advocates, raising questions about the organization’s true stance on the sanctity of life.

At a Glance

  • The Salvation Army allows abortion in limited circumstances, including serious threat to mother’s life and fatal fetal abnormalities
  • Pro-life advocates criticize this policy as undermining the organization’s pro-life image
  • The American Life League has placed The Salvation Army on their Charity Watchlist
  • The policy raises concerns about transparency and alignment with donor values
  • The controversy highlights the complex nature of abortion policies in religious organizations

The Salvation Army’s Controversial Abortion Stance

The Salvation Army, a Christian organization known for its charitable work, has found itself at the center of a heated debate over its abortion policy. While the organization maintains a generally pro-life stance, its allowance for abortion in specific circumstances has drawn criticism from staunch pro-life advocates. This controversy has led to increased scrutiny of the organization’s values and practices, potentially impacting its donor base and public image.

“The Salvation Army believes all people are created in the image of God and therefore have unique and intrinsic value,” a statement reads.

Despite this foundational belief, the organization’s abortion policy includes exceptions that have raised eyebrows among pro-life supporters. According to the Salvation Army’s official statement, abortion may be permitted in two specific scenarios:

“The first limited circumstance is when ‘carrying the pregnancy further seriously threatens the life of the mother’,” the statement continued.

“The second limited regrettable and tragic circumstance when an abortion may be permitted is when ‘reliable diagnostic procedures have identified a fetal abnormality considered incompatible with survival for more than a very brief postnatal period’.”

For many pro-lifes, it’s reasonable. For others, it’s not.

These exceptions have not sat well with many pro-life advocates who argue that any allowance for abortion contradicts the fundamental principle of protecting all human life. The American Life League, a prominent pro-life organization, has taken action by placing The Salvation Army on their Charity Watchlist.

This move serves as a caution to pro-life donors who may be unaware of the organization’s stance on abortion in these specific circumstances.

Alveda King, a well-known pro-life activist, expressed concern about the potential shift in The Salvation Army’s values:

“Good organizations become ‘infiltrated’ by forces that promote abortion, the breakdown of marriage, sexual immorality, etc. They come as wolves in sheep’s clothing and appear to be harmless and even helpful. Then they begin to reveal their true or basically untrue colors. This is sadly maybe what is happening to the Salvation Army. Not for sure, but maybe.”

The global scale of abortion is significant, with the World Health Organization estimating that 25% of pregnancies end in abortion, totaling approximately 56 million induced abortions annually. This statistic underscores the importance of clear and consistent policies from organizations that take a stance on the issue.

But in the face of criticism, The Salvation Army has stood by its position, emphasizing its commitment to valuing all human life while acknowledging the complex nature of certain medical situations.

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